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Message from Stephenson Loveson
APSEA President 2020-2021
Welcome to another year with the Asian Pacific State Employees Association (APSEA). I am excited to begin my term as your President. As I step into this new role, I want to reaffirm my commitment to this organization and to APSEA’s values. APSEA is an organization with rich history and tradition, and I see our members playing a vital role in shaping our future. My team and I are eager to get to know you, understand your needs, and provide support to help further your professional endeavors.
We will continue to serve our members by providing the quality programs you ask for. APSEA prides itself in our Career Development Brown Bag series, the recently established Conversation with Leaders events, organizing networking opportunities, and a membership that includes some of the most distinguished members in State government. We are looking into new ways to connect, engage, inspire, and demonstrate how we can all make a difference in both workplace and community.
APSEA will continue to partner with communities to promote civic participation, and cultural awareness. We will continue to support young adults pursuing higher education by supporting the APSEA Foundation. And most importantly, APSEA will advocate on statewide issues important to you, including ensuring equal opportunity for our members. This is the heart and soul of why this organization was founded, and we are dedicated to advancing the great work APSEA has already accomplished in this area. To further advance these principles, I am interested in initiating conversations, finding ways to build bridges, developing dialogues, engaging state leaders and partnering with other employee groups for meaningful change.
We welcome members to deepen their involvement by leading and/or participating on a committee. APSEA is a community and I encourage you to join us in building a community that grows and thrives. We can’t accomplish this without you. If you would like more information about which committees are seeking new members, please send an email to apseamembership@gmail.com.
Board of Directors 2020-2021
- President: Stephenson Loveson
- First Vice President: Jordan Aquino
- Second Vice President: Jean Cooper
- Recording Secretary: Jacqui Nguyen
- Corresponding Secretary: Johnny Tran
- Treasurer: Sean Harrison
- Immediate Past President: Shiviani Bose-Varela
- Advisors: Alicia Wong, Dean Lan, Helen Fong, Jeff Uyeda, Linda Ng, Oliver Chu, Stephen Chan
Contact Information
APSEA Board / Sacramento Chapter
P.O. Box 22909
Sacramento, CA 95822-2909
(916) 962-6309
Email Address:
- Executive Board Meetings are generally held first Thursday of each month
Upcoming Events
- ONGOING: APSEA membership drive – Membership Application: New Fillable Membership Application Form
Past Events
[accordion tag=h4 clicktoclose=true]
[accordion-item title=”2020″]
- APSEA Board Member Training (5/30)
- CANCELLED CDP Brown Bag Lunch Workshop (3/25)
- CDP Brown Bag Lunch Workshop (2/26)
- CDP Brown Bag Lunch Workshop (1/22)
[accordion-item title=”2019″]
- Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento Donations (12/22)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (12/11)
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/9)
- My Sister’s House: Run for a Safe Haven (10/26)
- Conversation with Leaders (10/23)
- APSEA Networking Event (8/22)
- APSEA Season of Service 2019 (7/22 – 8/3)
- APSEA Board Member Training (6/22)
- Cal-IPGCA Scholarship Opportunity (6/09)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (5/21)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Gala (5/1)
- APSEA Networking Event (4/25)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (4/25)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (3/4)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (2/25)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (1/22)
[accordion-item title=”2018″]
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/10)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (11/13)
- APSEA Statewide Board Training (10/28)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (10/24)
- APSEA Autum Mixer Event (9/20)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (9/20)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Gala (4/19)
- Spring Social (3/25)
[accordion-item title=”2017″]
- Cal-IPGCA Playbook (8/17, 9/14, 10/12, 11/8)
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/5)
- My Sister’s House: Run for a Safe Haven (11/4)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Gala, Album 1 & Album 2 (4/18)
[accordion-item title=”2016″]
- Navigating Leadership Program
- Strategic Planning Session (7/17)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Gala (4/19)
- Lunar New Year Dinner (3/26)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (1/26)
[accordion-item title=”2015″]
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/8)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (11/10)
- My Sister’s House: Run for a Safe Haven (10/24)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (10/20)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (9/9)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (7/9)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (6/30)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (5/21)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (4/30)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Gala, Photos by Oliver Chu and Tom Chan (4/21)
- CDP Brown Bag Workshop (3/26)
- Luna New Year Celebration (3/29)
[accordion tag=h4 clicktoclose=true]
[accordion-item title=”2014″]
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/4)
- Navigating Leadership Symposium (11/13)
- My Sister’s House: Run for a Safe Haven (10/25)
- Conversations in Leadership Workshop (9/23)
- Reception at the Capitol (8/20)
- Conversations in Leadership Workshop (6/24)
- Conversations in Leadership Workshop (4/29)
- APSEA General Membership Meeting to Ratify Proposed Changes to Bylaws (5/1)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Gala (4/22)
- Lunar New Year Dinner (3/23)
[accordion-item title=”2013″]
- Navigating Leadership (5/7, 5/8, 8/6, 11/13)
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/10)
- My Sister’s House: Run for a Safe Haven (10/26)
- APSEA General Membership Meeting (9/24)
- Association of California State Employees with Disabilities Symposium (9/24)
- Civil Rights Conference (6/13)
- APSEA / APSEA Scholarship Gala (4/23)
- Training: Tips on Taking a State Exam (3/21)
- Lunar New Year Celebration (3/17)
[accordion-item title=”2012″]
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/6)
- Leadership and EEO Symposium (11/8)
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Habits 4-7 (9/6)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Banquet (4/24)
- Lunar New Year Celebration (3/18)
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Habits 1-3 (2/23)
- APSEA Bowling Mixer (1/15)
- Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Kevin Johnson (1/9)
[accordion-item title=”2011″]
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/8)
- APSEA Orientation for New Members (10/27)
- My Sister’s House: Run for a Safe Haven (10/8)
- Association of California State Employees with Disabilities Symposium (10/6)
- Mock Oral Interviews (9/10)
- Reception at the Capitol (8/17)
- Understanding Aging and Memory Loss Workshop (7/7, 7/14, 7/21)
- How to Develop a Strong Statement of Qualifications (6/25)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Dinner (4/26)
- How to Develop a Strong Statement of Qualifications (3/26)
- Lunar New Year Dinner and Feng Shui Discussion (3/20)
- Understanding the Appointment Process (1/15)
[accordion-item title=”2010″]
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/2)
- My Sister’s House: Run for a Safe Haven (11/6)
- Asian Community Center Nursing Home Fundraiser (9/11)
- Statewide Membership Drive Winners, Central Valley Chapter: Adam See, Brian Miura, Paul Perez (July)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Dinner (4/26)
- Networking Bowling (2/28)
- CNYCA Year of the tiger Celebration (2/6)
[accordion-item title=”2009″]
- APSEA Holiday Mixer (12/8)
- Sacramento JACL Award Dinner (11/19)
- My Sister’s House Fun Run (11/7)
- Statewide Executive Board Meeting (7/11)
- Asian & Pacific Islander Policy Summit Banquet Gala (5/26)
- APSEA / APSEA Foundation Scholarship Dinner (4/27)
- Bowling Day (1/31)