On August 6, 2020, the APSEA Statewide Board of Directors adopted a resolution to formally support Proposition 16. This ballot measure will reverse Proposition 209, the 1996 ballot initiative that prohibits the race-based and sex-based affirmative action in state education, contracting, and employment. In the months leading up to the election, APSEA will be providing educational materials and a brown bag lunch workshop to inform our membership of the ramifications of this important ballot measure.
Upcoming Events
Ongoing: Text Bank for Equality: Vote Yes on Prop 16!
October 13: APSEA/ACSED Workshop: Current Trends in Equal Opportunity and Viewpoints on CA Proposition 16
Past Events
- September 26: OCA: The Case for Proposition 16
- September 15: UDC, Chinese American Democratic Club, and Ed Lee Dems are coming together to bring an important discussion forward on Prop. 16
- September 10: A business roundtable focused on how Prop 16 will help AAPI-owned businesses succeed in California and help them fairly compete for government contracts is being held
- September 10: The Opportunity for All Coalition is kicking off their organizing program for Los Angeles featuring speakers Mayor Eric Garcetti and Assemblyman Miguel Santiago
- September 2: Education Trust – Virtual Panel on Prop 16
- September 1: A Voteless People is a Hopeless People
Proposition 16 Information
Yes on 16: Campaign Talking Points
Dispelling the Myths – Providing Opportunity for All Through ACA 5 – Higher Education Issues – Opportunity for All CoalitionP
Proposition 16 Official Voter Information Guide (Secretary of State)
Secretary of State’s Office
Register to Vote
Official Voter Information Guide
Poll Worker Information: Promote Democracy: Serve as a Poll Worker